Evidence for potential savings through Community-Led Housing

The following is a list of benefits for which the Council could claim revenue savings through the enablement of community-led housing.

Public Health


a) Poor-condition housing costs the NHS around £1.4bn per year (Nicol et al 2015).

b) People’s need for statutory health and social care services is increased if they are lonely and socially isolated (Investing to Tackle Loneliness, UK Cabinet Office & NESTA, June 2015)


Children’s Services


a) Pressure for Corporate Parent responsibilities, including internal and external placements from 2016/17 and expected increase in placements each year.


Housing and Community Safety


High turnover and over-crowding in poor quality private rented homes of multiple occupation causes neighbourhood problems

Housing and Education

Issue: High vacancy rates in schools at all levels because of high housing costs (“Wheatley Park School headteacher Kate Curtis … told councillors staff were being driven out of Oxford due to high house prices … Oxford Spires Academy in East Oxford unveiled plans to build its own homes for teachers on the school site in a bid to attract talented staff” Oxford Mail, 30 Oct 2017).

a) SEN Home to School Transport - ongoing pressure from 2016/17 and expected demographic increase in each year.

Need help? Have any questions?

Whether you are a group, Local Authority, landowner or potential development partner please do get in touch with our dedicated community-led housing team.

Contact us


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Powerful Communities, Strong Economies The final report of the Keep it Local for Economic Resilience Action Research Project locality.org.uk